header image, displaying an 80s style landscape and sunset

React in MDX and MDX in react

You can add React components inside of MDX content, but the other way around works too. In this part of the tutorial, we will explore a bit how to use components in MDX, but also MDX in components

React components in MDX content

Of course, the big advantage of MDX over regular markdown is that we can use any React component inside of our MDX content


we are about to create several folders and then add a file, so you might start by creating the first folder and then inside of it the second folder...

But did you know, that you can also right click inside of the File Explorer (in the primary sidebar) and then chose New File... and enter the whole components/tutorial_examples/buttons/Counting.tsx path at once, VSCode will create all of the folders as well as the file (all in one go)

First, create a new folder components in the root of your project, then inside the components folder, create a tutorial_examples folder, and inside that folder, another buttons folder

Now, inside of the buttons folder, create a Counting.tsx file and insert the following code:

'use client'
import { useState } from 'react'
const Counting: React.FC = () => {
    const [count, setCount] = useState(0)
    const handleClick = () => {
        setCount(count + 1)
    return (
            <button onClick={handleClick}>
                Clicked {count} times
export default Counting

Now let's edit the /app/(tutorial_examples)/first_mdx_page/page.mdx page we created earlier and add our Counting component to it, like so:

import Counting from '@/components/tutorial_examples/buttons/Counting'
# Hello 👋 with MDX!
## headline 2nd level
<Counting />
text in *italic*
text in **bold**
text in ***bold and italic***
> a quote
[link to Next.js](
* foo
* bar
* baz
![This is an octocat image]( 'I\'m the title of the octocat image')

Did you notice how we did NOT use the relative path that would be '../components/tutorial_examples/buttons/Counting'?

Instead, we used the @/ alias, which we added when creating the project (using create-next-app)

The advantage of using the alias is that no matter where we move our page, the path to the Button will always stay the same (of course, if we move the button, then we also need to update the import)

Make sure your dev server is running (if it is not, start it using npm run dev)

Then visit the updated MDX page in the browser at http://localhost:3000/first_mdx_page and try out the counting button

Of course, this is just an example, you can import any component you want, for example, a chart component to visualize some statistics or a component displaying a 3d model of an object

MDX in pages and components

Besides turning a whole page into an MDX page, as we saw in the previous chapter, you can also import MDX into typescript (.tsx) (or javascript (.js)) pages asl well as into React components, this page contains short examples for each case

import MDX content into a typescript page

First, inside of the /app/(tutorial_examples) folder, create a new mdx_in_a_page folder

Then, in the mdx_in_a_page folder, create a file called content.mdx with the following content:

# Hello 👋 World!
I'm MDX content that got imported into a **typescript page**

And then, in the same folder, create a page.tsx with the following content:

import ContentMDX from './content.mdx'
export default function Page() {
    return (
            <ContentMDX />

Make sure your dev server is running, if it is not, start it using npm run dev

Then visit your newly created page in the browser at http://localhost:3000/mdx_in_a_page

import MDX into a component

First, go into the /components/tutorial_examples folder and then create another folder called mdx

Inside the mdx folder, create a content.mdx file and insert the following content:

# Hello 👋 World!
I'm MDX content that got imported into a **component**

And then, in the same folder, create an Example.tsx file with the following content:

import ContentMDX from './content.mdx'
const MDXExample: React.FC = () => {
    return (
            <ContentMDX />
export default MDXExample

Then, inside of the /app/(tutorial_examples) folder, create another new folder, mdx_in_a_component

In the mdx_in_a_component folder, create a page.tsx file with the following content:

import MDXExample from '@/components/tutorial_examples/mdx/Example'
export default function Page() {
    return (
            <MDXExample />

Make sure your dev server is running, if it is not, start it using npm run dev

Then visit your newly created MDX page in the browser at http://localhost:3000/mdx_in_a_component