Tutorial: Next.js 15 static first MDX starterkit
Table of Contents
- Introduction (& full project source code)
- Prerequisites (setting up a development environment)
- Project setup (Next.js 15 & React 19) using CNA
- Next.js 15 Typescript plugin and typed routes
- Next.js 15 configuration (next.config.ts)
- First Typescript page
- package.json scripts
- CI/CD pipeline setup (Vercel)
- Error handling and logging (Sentry.io)
- Content Security Policy (CSP) header
- Next.js 15 MDX support
- First MDX page and static rendering
- React in MDX and MDX in react
- Linting setup using ESLint 9 flat config
- Typescript linting and custom flat config
- Linting MDX (markdown) using remark-lint
- Linting in VSCode using ESLint and MDX extensions
- Styling and CSS Modules
- Navigation and next/link
- Navigation styling and next/font
- The mdx-components file
- Optimizing anchors using next/link
- Optimizing images (in MDX content) using next/image
- MDX (remark / rehype) plugins introduction
- Code highlighting plugin
- Headings IDs plugin
- Table of Contents plugin and React Observer Hook
- GitHub flavored markdown plugin
- GitHub like alerts plugin
- Metadata (tsx and mdx pages)
- Open Graph Image(s)
- Frontmatter plugin
- Analytics and Speed Insights (Vercel)
- Production release (& custom domain)
- Dynamic Sitemap.xml (generated at build time)