header image, displaying an 80s style landscape and sunset

Next.js 15 setup and first commit

On this page we will quickly create a new branch for our project so that we are not working on the main branch and then we will finally use create next app (CNA) to set up our Next.js 15 project

Branching Strategy choice

For this project we will use a simple branching strategy. Which means we will have a main branch and an extra preview branch. We will develop locally and commit into the preview branch, then we will synchronize the changes with the remote preview branch. Then a CI/CD pipeline will deploy the preview branch. When we are done testing the preview deployment we will create a pull request to merge the review branch into our main branch. The CI/CD pipeline will then deploy the main branch into production.

Depending on the amount of people that will work on your project, you might want to chose a more complex strategy. If you want to learn more about branching strategies, have a look at my Choosing a git Branching Strategy chapter in the git post

Add a "preview" (git) branch (using VSCode git tools)

If you have closed VSCode since last time, launch VSCode and open the project directory we created in the Prerequisites chapter (if you need help to open a directory in VSCode, check out my chapter open a project folder in VSCODE from the VSCode post).

Then create a new branch from the main branch and call it preview

If you are new to VSCode or Git, to learn how to create a new branch from another branch (and then publish it), I recommend you check the chapter "Creating a new branch" from the VSCode post in my VSCode post


We call our branch preview because later in this tutorial, we will add a CI/CD pipeline via and will use the preview branch to do preview deployments

The main (default) branch will be used to make production deployments

Now that you have created the branch, you will see at the bottom of VSCode that the new branch is already the one selected

The branch exists locally, but it has not been published yet, it is up to you if you want to publish it immediately or wait

You could consider not publishing it until you are sure that you will use the code, but I prefer to always immediately publish them and then also push my commits every few hours (at least once a day). The advantage is that if something happens to my computer, I still have a backup of my code in the cloud.

Of course, once published, it is a bit more work if you want to delete a published branch, as you need to do so locally as well as remotely, but I still prefer that to losing several hours or even days' worth of work

Create Next App (CNA)

To create a new Next.js 15 project, we are going to use Create Next App (CNA)

CNA is a CLI tool created by Next.js to get you started quickly


We will create the new project in the root of our project directory (not a sub-directory), the create-next-app tool will attempt to create a README, and hence it finds an already existing it will abort

If there is a file (in the root of the repository you just created), first delete it and then commit the changes (if you need help to commit changes using VSCode, check out my chapter commit your changes to GitHub using the VSCode version control tool from the VSCode post)


We will use the --use-npm flag to tell CNA that I plan on using npm to manage packages, if you prefer using another package manager, you can change the option to --use-pnpm for pnpm, --use-yarn for yarn or --use-bun for bun

We will also use the --typescript flag to tell CNA that we want to develop using Typescript, meaning we will NOR get asked if we prefer Javascript or Typescript


I will not argue in favor or against Typescript here, this is not the right place, but I recommend and will be using Typescript in this tutorial.

If you prefer Javascript then remove the --typescript flag before executing the CNA command

However if you never used Typescript before, then maybe just give it a try while building this project and see for yourself how different it is from using Javascript. Then when the project is done you will be able to judge for yourself which one you like more.

Make sure the VSCode terminal is open (if you need help to open the terminal in VSCode, check out my chapter open a VSCode terminal from the VSCode post)

You now have two options:

To install the latest Next.js 15.x version, copy the following command into your terminal and then press ENTER:

npx create-next-app@latest ./ --use-npm --typescript

To install the canary Next.js 15.x version, copy the following command into your terminal and then press ENTER:

npx create-next-app@canary ./ --use-npm --typescript

Create Next App will tell you it needs to be installed first, accept by typing y and then press ENTER

Next, you will get asked some more questions so that Next.js knows what it needs to install and set up for you:

That's it the Create Next App will now install Next.js and React (and React DOM) for us, it will then also install some development dependencies based on what we chose, like Typescript and ESLint, and then it will create some default configuration files for those tools


When you use CNA, some of the options you chose will get stored so that the next time you use it again, it will take your stored preferences instead of default values

If you want to reset those stored preferences, you can use the --reset-preferences option like so npx create-next-app --reset-preferences, if successful CNA prints the following message "Preferences reset successfully"

First commit

Now that create next app is done, it is a good time to do your first commit

If you need help to commit changes (and then synchronize them) using VSCode, check out my chapter commit your changes to GitHub using the VSCode version control tool from the VSCode post

After you have committed the files and synchronized the changes with the remote repository, you can then go to and check out your repository or go directly to your repository if you remember the name

The URL should be in the format

By default, the content of the main branch gets displayed on the repository homepage, and because we committed our changes into the preview branch, you need to switch to the preview branch on GitHub to see your files (if you don't know how to switch branches on GitHub check out the switch branches chapter in my GitHub post)

If the commit and syncing were successful, you will see that all the new files and directories are now listed in your GitHub repository


I recommend you commit often, as it will make it a lot easier to revert your last commit if a situation arises where you need to

Having only the code from a single step in one commit will make it easy to undo just that step

If you also included the code of several other steps in your commit but you want to keep those, then reverting will be difficult

It will also create a nicer commit history where the commit messages are short and related to just a few changes in few files, as opposed to a commit messages containing multiple task descriptions getting applied to lots of different files

Also, committing and synchronizing often reduces the risk that you lose code and hence hours or days of work if something happens to your local machine, and finally, it reduces the risk that you end up having conflicts, which you will likely get if you are not the only one working on the repository and only rarely commit your code update


It is always helpful to have a well-documented project for your future self and for others who might contribute to your project. Which is why we will update the and place some documentation in it

However, if you prefer to store such information somewhere else, this is fine too, what really matters is to update the documentation regularly so that it will not become a tedious task at some point and also to ensure it is a helpful resource right from the start of your project

Open the in VSCode but double clicking on it

Then I recommend you remove everything that is currently in the (not that the default Next.js content is terrible advice or bad, but we will just structure it differently and add some more information to it)

Next copy/paste the following content into your file:
## npm commands (package.json scripts)
`npm run dev`: to start the development server (using turbopack)  
`npm run build`: to make a production build  
`npm run start`: to start the server on a production server using the build we made with the previous command  
`npm run lint`: to run a linting script that will scan our code and help us find problems in our code  

I added 2 spaces after each line, for the 4 commands

This ensures that there is a line break after each of them

This adds documentation to the README for 4 commands that are available after setting up a project with CNA

Then change MY_PROJECT (in the first heading) to whatever you want to name your project


Did you know you can preview markdown files in VSCode? If not, check out my short "VSCode markdown preview" chapter in the VSCode post

Now save the file (to save the file, you can use the VSCode shortcut Ctrl+S (macOS: ⌘S, Linux: Ctrl+S))

Finally, commit the changes and then synchronize them

Congratulations 🎉 you just created a solid foundation for your project using create next app and did your first commit

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